Overview of the problem
During the enablement of users I haved discovered some times the sync to the O365 is failing or is synchronising with some errors. What can you do, not everything always is going as intendet.
The way I enabled users is described in the other post here
The list of the potential values of the parameter InterpretedUserType is quite long. It was very good described on Andres Gorzelany blog here
InterpretedUserType - I’ve seen
DirSyncSfBUser: On-premises users which have been assigned a SfB online licence. Enabled in SfB Online, has a SipAddress and has a RegistrarPool
DirSyncTeamsUser: On-premises users which have been assigned a Teams licence
HybridOnlineSfBUser: A user created on-premises and migrated to SfBO, in AD on-prem has a SipAddress and a OnPremHostingProvider and RegistrarPool.
Don’t Panic
DirSyncSfBUserNeedsProvisioning: - Temp value that will change post provisioning.
Panic :-)
HybridOnpremSfBUserWithMCOValidationError: An on-premises user with a domain that is not valid in your synchronised tenant
HybridOnlineSfBUserFailedPublishing: I did not seen any descrition around this value. Presence of this issue was potentialy casuing missing dial pad issue
Microsof response was:
This was a Provisioning issue based on the interpreted user type error for the affected user. For this scenario, a quick fix from your end should be to connect to Skype for Business Online PowerShell and run below commands: Set-CsUser -Identity “
” -EnterpriseVoiceEnabled $false and change to true after a few hours. If the issue persists, do not hesitate to reach out to us and we would be glad to assist further with a fix.
This is an interesting one.
After moving user online and disabling Skype on-prem account we have discovered that the AD attirube msRTCSip-DeploymentLocator
was reverted back to :SRV
instead of
as it should be after the Move-CsUser
I have found an useful command online. Thanks to this blog post
Connect to Powershell Skype for Business Online and runn below command for affected user:
$MCOErrors=get-CSOnlineUser | ? {$_.MCOValidationError -ne $null} | select windowsemailaddress, sipaddress, displayname, mcovalidationerror
Then in the same window run