IIS ARR as RP for Skype for Business
IIS ARR Reverse Proxy Skype for Business
Although IIS ARR is not officially supported anymore, it is still doing it’s job and some may want to use it.
The main pre-requisites is IIS to be installed and that can be achieved by running below commands:
Windows Server 2016
PS C:\> Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools
Windows 2012R2
PS C:\> Import-Module ServerManager`
PS C:\> Add-WindowsFeature Web-Static-Content,Web-Default-Doc,Web-Dir-Browsing,Web-Http-Errors,Web-Net-Ext,Web-Http-Logging,Web-Request-Monitor,Web-Http-Tracing,Web-Filtering,Web-Stat-Compression,Web-Mgmt-Console,NET-Framework-Core,AS-Web-Support,NET-Non-HTTP-Activ,NET-HTTP-Activation,Web-Server
Installation of ARR
Next step is to install IIS ARR and all dependences. I think the easiest way to do it is to install the Web Platform Installer from here. Next step is to do search for Application Routing and click add next to ARR 3.0. Then click install.
At that stage the IIS ARR should be installed. And the installed components should be
- rewrite.msi
- webfarm.msi
- requestrouter.msi
- externaldiskcache.msi
As this is public facing service the public certificate will be required. It can be wildcard cert or it can be with specific names. In this case as it is for SfB On-prem the certificate will need to include the lyncdiscover, simple urls and external web services. It is not a problem it RP certificate will be shared with EDGE (so edge names will be included on the cert). The certificate will need to be imported to the server and bind with port 443. Click on the default website and under Edit Site select bindings.
There are some requirements for IIS ARR
Disable application pool idle time-out
- Open a command prompt with administrator user rights.
- Navigate to
Using appcmd, enter
C:\> appcmd.exe set apppool "DefaultAppPool" -processModel.idleTimeout:"00:00:00" /commit:apphost
Change application pool recycling settings for Application Request Routing.
- Open a command prompt with administrator user rights.
- Navigate to
- Using appcmd, enter
C:\> appcmd.exe set config -section:system.applicationHost/applicationPools /[name='DefaultAppPool'].recycling.periodicRestart.time:"00:00:00" /commit:apphost
- Create farm with ports 8080 and 4443
Edit rewrite rules
- http to https redirect
- Match URL change to regular expression. Pattern should be (.*)
- Conditions should be configured with input {HTTPS} set to “off”
- Action set to redirect and action properties should be set to: https://{HTTP_HOST}{QUERY_STRING}
- Redirect type should be set to Permanent (301)
RP rules for Skype
It is possible to leave the rules to use wild card but in some cases it is preferred to narrow it down to a specific rule and host names. Here is a list of the web services and config to be used
lyncdiscover - not much can be done so i narrow this down to this
- Match URL change to regular expression. Pattern should be (.*)
- Conditions should be configured with input {HTTPS} set to “on” and
- another condition should be added {HTTP_HOST} this should list hostnames f.e. lyncdiscover.domain1.com but if there is multiple domains pipe “|” can be used to separate them like lyncdiscover.domain1.com|lyncdiscover.domain2.com
- Match URL change to regular expression. Pattern should be (.*)
Action set to “Route to Server Farm”
- Scheme set to https
- Correct farm selected from the list
- and stop processing ticked
simple urls – not much to be configured in the same rule as lyncdiscover as not much config can be applied in pattern section. So the simple url address should be added after the pipe “|”
External Web Services – here we can narrow it down to a specific services
<ul class="break-word">
Configure all exactly the same as for above url
in the patter enter this for Skype 2016: ((?:^Abs|^Autodiscover|^CertProv|^ColabContent|^DataCollabWeb|^dialin|^Fonts|^GroupExpansion|^HybridConfig|^lwa|^mcx|^meet|^PassiveAuth|^PresistentChat|^Reach|^RequestHandlerExt|^RgsClients|^Scheduler|^Storage|^UCWA|^WebTicket).*)
<p class="break-word">
For Skype 2019: ((?:^Abs|^Autodiscover|^CertProv|^ColabContent|^DataCollabWeb|^dialin|^GroupExpansion|^HybridConfig|^lwa|^mcx|^meet|^PassiveAuth|^Reach|^RequestHandlerExt|^RgsClients|^Scheduler|^Storage|^UCWA|^WebTicket).*)
Office Online server
Create farm with ports 80 and 443
Match URL change to regular expression.
Pattern should be <em>((?:^en-us/|^hosting/|^m/|^o/|^oh/|^op/|^p/|^we/|^wv/|^x/).*)</em>
Conditions should be configured with input {HTTPS} set to “on” and<br />another condition should be added {HTTP_HOST} this should list hostnames that was configured on the Office Online Server for external access.
Action set to “Route to Server Farm” <br />Scheme set to https<br />Correct farm selected from the list <br />and stop processing ticked